Video Production

You know, a whatchamacallit …

It could actually do with a bit more mojo – that certain something that really sweeps audiences off their feet, even if they don’t always say so. How can we help?  We develop the concept and write the story, with a sharp eye and ear for all the details. Storytelling to suit your product, inspired ideas for your user awareness video or great moments captured for your unforgettable making-of video.

We’ll find the right solution for your whatsit – providing you get in touch “hello, rain productions…”

+49 (0)221 984319-34

Video Produktion

Video Production

rain productions’ media suite in Cologne and Kiel

Video creation, editing, motion design, photography, post-production, illustration, graphics design

rain productions is an interdisciplinary agency for digital content.

Each project is an aggregate of many individual components. From a short video for internal use to a massive live event with video and photo coverage, postproduction and influencer integration, we can scale our services to suit your precise needs. We’re also happy to bring the camera into our own sound studios to document your production – a dynamic video game recording session, for example. We can also produce explanatory videos for special service offerings.

Our approach is to always evaluate, plan and execute each project according to the best possible standards. And always on time, even when the deadline is extremely tight. Within the framework of your budget, we discuss the various options and then calculate an individual offer based your precise needs.


Adjektiv: visuell, optisch, bildnerisch, Seh-


Idee und Konzeptentwicklung

Concept + Idea

Customized concepts and ideas for your next project: with or without influencers? 100% real-life video or animated sequences with voiceover? Or without. A mixture of both? Or something completely different?

Film, Dreh und Drohne

Video production

The drone is humming, ready for takeoff, our GH4 / GH5 cameras are ready to roll, and we’re always packing plenty of GoPros. Your project needs a larger format? No worries, we know people! When do we start?

Postproduktion, Cut und Editing

Post production + Editing

We’ve got the footage, now it just needs some awesome editing. Flashy and colorful, sober and scientific – we’ll give your content an optimal presentation.

Motion Design

Motion Design

There’s room for a little extra? Snappy animations round off video footage and are an effective communication tool: seeing is comprehending.

Grafik Design und Illustration

Graphics design + Illustration

A cleaner look for your next presentation? Your next project should shine in flat design? Charming illustrations for your product packaging? Look no further; we’ve got you covered!



Yes! All systems are “go” for the big event. But wait, aren’t we forgetting something? Photos! Don’t worry, we’ll take them: product shots, event photography or social media assets. One shoot delivers a bumper crop of images.

Social Media

Social Media

Click, swipe, press! Producing videos and popping them into just the right format is our idea of fun! People and product shots? Here you go! Graphic communication elements? We can generate them blindfolded.  And provide expert consultation at the same time.


Attention, please! Influencers incoming! But then what? We’ll take care of them. Your next game release is coming soon? We’ll manage things. We’ll be right there where you need us, onstage, backstage and in the crowd! Anything else we can do for you?




Björn Baumert

Creative Director

Video & Production

Kerstin Petry


Corporate Communication

Partner networks


rain productions

Maarweg 149
50825 Cologne

+49 (0)221 28 397-06

